Monday, October 31, 2011

Venessia e' un pesce

The Why's of Venice

Why did Venice change into a Fish
and what kind of fish is it?
This and many other questions came up while we were diving through this most romantic city of the world :-) 

Why running in Venice instead of swimming? Because this is what you get: a sunrise  shot - tourists are still sleeping and only the early birds go to work and the runners are around the "corner" (knee?)

Why is this bridge called Ponte delle Tette?
Sitting on the Ponte delle tette, I thought mine would grow... but nothing happened, so of course I looked it up! In the area of Carampane the prostitutes were gathered and on this specific bridge they could show their breast, inviting potential customers to join them.

Why are the houses in Burano so colorful?

The most poetic explanation is the returning fishermen during fog...still could see their houses to find home
O' Professore's artwork!

Why are the glass factories on the Murano Islands? The glassmakers were active in Venice even before the year 1000, and  because of the devastating fires that their foundries provoked (at that time most of the constructions were made of wood)in  1295 the government of Venice decided to transfer all glass works to Murano.

Why is the Gondola a MUST? 
There is no other way to get this Introspection of Venice.

Why this weird shape of the ferro?

Apart from its balance to the gondola, The upper bow is the hat of the doge, and its prongs show the sestieri.  Some irons have 3 additional prongs in the intersections and they show the 3 islands Burano, Murano and Torcello. The one on the rear is Giudecca

These are the early birds waiting for their prey at the fish market

Why playing with a Reflex?
Because this is the result...

Skyline of Venice

All pictures

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Suedtirol ....Valle Aurina...Valle Tures

Una bella vacanzetta durante la quale ho messo a dura prova i miei compagni di viaggio con la mia nuova passione, fisima, o fissa.... sono stati tanto pazienti!

Rein in Taufers aka Riva di Tures e' stato il nostro
campo base. Come prima ecursione ci siamo
avviati verso il Rifugio Roma (che atti
nenza!) Mamma mia e' proprio lontano!

Le escursioni del Rifugio Roma - la meta del Waldner See ( meta, o meta'? ) il sentiero spirituale di San Francesco e la Brigata Tridentina?

Eravamo alla scoperta della flora e fauna, il panorama ma i ruscelli e le cascate,... altro che San Francesco, ci puo' essere piu' spirituale della
nostra guida montanara Valentina che scova un antico luogo di culto antico durante la camminata verso la meta' della meta del Waldner See!

Cosi' abbiamo camminato e camminato con fanciulle temerarie che affrontano ogni salita con il sorriso

ed eravamo solo alla prima vetta!

E fanciulli che sorridono in discesa...

La Brigata Tridentina, che poteva sembrare l'Armata Brancaleone, o la Corazzata Kotiomkin.....

e invece e' stata una passeggiata intensa con un esito, cio' un panorama intenso sul ghiacciao dei Tre Signori

Ed ecco la vetta piu' alta d'Italia, sulla cartina ovviamente!

Ce l'abbiamo fatta!!!!

Marco e Silvia che avvistano una potenziale nuova meta... (cosi' lontana? ma quale sara'? Nuova York?)

La Vale... dopo queste gite fisico-spirituali ha deciso che " i ragazzi sono pronti! Il K2 ci aspetta"!!!

Elisa conta sul grande numero!!!! dai dai dai che Einstein o chi era? aveva ragione!

ed io aspetto pazientemente che i nostri bravi registi hanno ricevuto l'ispirazione da ben 4 muse!!!

Questa fotina della chiesetta "HeiligGeist" a Kasern e' dedicata a Luchino!!!! Perche' trasmette bene la spiritualita' della passione.
Che ti sei perso.... ma ci rifaremo, alla prossima montagnata!

Infatti ti sei perso anche la descrizione cosi' intensa della Hofdame del Castello di Tures..mi e' sembrato di aver partecipato dal vivo ad una tortura e DeKapitazione di un sudditto altoadesino
Flora e Flora

e Anterselva!

Un abbraccio a Tutti, Ilo

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Magica Praga - April 2011

A week in Prague with its Magic and its fascination.
During the Easter week the Globetrotters have travelled to discover Prague :-)

Ready to go with our books and our willing to reveal Prague's secrets.
What we found, a part from San Pietrini that destroyed (at least mine...) our feet was a city in all his different perspectives

The shopping Prague, in Celetna street, which we walked 2-3 times a day to reach the centre and the other side of the river from our hotel. 

The religious Prague... even though a person I know told me that most of the Czech have no religion, Prague is covered with catholic or hussite churches or Synagogues. 
The golden Hebrew text over the Crucifix  on   
Charles Bridge is from 1696. It was placed in order to punish a Prague Jew, Eliass Backoffen who debased the Holy Cross. The text is derived from the words of the prophet Isaiah and reads, in English,Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. These words, which are the origin of the Sanctus in the Mass, are an important confession of faith in the Jewish tradition as well. 

Visiting Josefov, its Synagogues and the famous old Jewish Cemetery was very interesting.

Its atmosphere was a bit ruined by too many tourists (same as we were...) nonetheless you could breathe its history through the tombstones , the significant names on them and the search of the Golem...whose spirit still wanders about the synagogues. 
The historical Praque, of which the Jewish Quarter is part of course, which shows 

The Charles Bridge over the Moldau River which you cross to walk up to the Castle 

Whatever this writing  means.... I still could not find out - it is located in the Kanzleizimmer where the Defenestration took place
Mysterious writing

Defenestration window
The (2nd) defenestration was the beginning of the Thirty Years' War

Green Prague

green or grey :-) ? 

Culinary Prague

Prague full of Arts and Artists
Including Bohumil and Franz... 
Prague boasts having creative artists like

Luca and Silvia in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

and Rapunzel-Elisa on her tower!

Horror Movie Director Luca looking for inspiration in the Tyn Courtyard

looking for innocent actresses who could resist to his charme ....

and victims like Ludmilla who could not! well..but that is history of course. 
She was strangled with her own veil by order of her daughter-in-law

French and Spanish influence in Modern Times

             How could I not find Roman "art" even in Prague???? this is Ponte Milvio migrated! 

Eventually our Movie Director Luca found inspiration through Toto Cotugno's Songs and in St.Jacob's church with its shrivelled up arm.

Did we generate a chartlist of what every single Globetrotter liked most in Prague? I don't remember.